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Good news for those who thought it was impossible to improve their appearance without plastic surgery! Aesthetic medicine can offer plenty of variants able to boost your confidence and looks – dermal fillers, botulinum injections, cosmetic threads – everyone will find something for themselves.

In today’s article, we would like to talk about dermal filler because this method of skin improvement is becoming more and more popular worldwide among different customer categories. So, let’s dive into the beauty world and learn more about the incredible abilities injectable fillers have. Beauty Dermal is always there for you to provide you with valuable information you may use further in life. Enjoy!

What Are Dermal Fillers for Facial Rejuvenation?

Facial dermal fillers are injectable gels used to eliminate signs of aging in people and, as followed, guarantee a rejuvenation effect of the skin. Depending on the active substance (hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, etc.), medication can be used for various purposes in different facial zones.

Most fillers are absorbable, which means the effect wears off after some time. Temporal results after the procedure may last from a few months to a couple of years, which means treatment should be repeated approximately every year to preserve the effect. Of course, the type of filler is picked together with a beauty expert in order to reach the best results and desired goals of a patient.

During the procedure, the remedy should be injected into the top layer of skin; in this way, all unfortunate imperfections will disappear for a certain amount of time. Not only that, but a client can also enjoy positive post-treatment influence; thanks to the unique composition, natural production of such substances as hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin in the body becomes much better. That’s exactly why one can enjoy youthful, glowing skin even after the filler itself wears off.

There are many reasons why do people prefer filler injections over other procedures; in the next paragraph, we would like to have a closer look at the benefits that convinced millions of people to choose this type of treatment.

Reasons to Choose Fillers for Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Reasons to Choose Fillers for Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Want to know whether to try something? Read customers’ reviews and have a complete picture of what to expect. That’s a golden rule, and it can be applied to the aesthetic medicine sphere as well. After reading hundreds of patients’ feedbacks, we gathered benefits that are the most important to people in terms of injectable filler treatments.

  • The results become visible immediately. Unlike any type of cosmetic surgery, dermal fillers can demonstrate a positive effect right after the first session. Volume and smoothness are added immediately, and after a week (when the filler settles), the appearance becomes even better;
  • Patients don’t need downtime after the injection. It is really appreciated in the twenty-first century where people live at a fast speed and do not want to lose any time. Moreover, not everyone has an opportunity to take time off work to have a proper recovery time after the surgery. Some people can even do it during the lunch break! It’s very convenient, don’t you think?;
  • Risks after filler procedures are minimal. As most fillers contain substances identical to those naturally produced in human bodies, adverse reactions happen rarely. Minimal risks of injection site reactions are the most common for patients, and those usually disappear in a few days;
  • The results of the skin improvement are long-lasting. Of course, everything depends on the type of filler, as well as its manufacturer, composition, patient’s health peculiarities, and other crucial factors. Typically, the effect remains visible from six to eighteen months; however, there are some synthetic fillers that last up to several years (those are usually called implants). Specialists recommend trying short-duration fillers in order to see whether a new look suits you. After few sessions with short-lasting ones, you may switch to longer-lasting type (after you got used to your new appearance and made sure you are okay with all the changes);
  • Younger-looking skin boost self-confidence. Of course, we are not saying that you can feel confident only after medical procedures and appearance changes. But think about it – if you look into the mirror and see a face with glowing, flourishing skin in the reflection – you at least won’t be disappointed. Dermal fillers are perfect for creating a new version of yourself – younger-looking, positive, and with higher self-esteem.

Side Effects Every Person Needs to Know

We are more than sure you won’t be surprised if we tell you that post-treatment side effects are typical for any type of aesthetic medicine procedure. That’s understandable because, in any case, a doctor intrudes into the patient’s body, and it needs some time to get used to changes (even if those are positive).

Speaking about dermal fillers, those typically cause minimal complications because of the composition of the injectables; active substances included in fillers are very similar to those produced in our bodies. That is why the most common symptom a lot of patients experience after the treatment session is injection site reaction. It includes bruising, swelling, itching, rash, and increased sensitivity in the places where the gel was administered.

Other side effects include headaches (or migraines), nausea, dizziness, inflammations, blurred vision, and so on. A person should inform a doctor if any of those occurred in order to avoid any severe health complications.

And do not forget to be careful for a few days after the injection – some people experience dermal filler migration caused by strenuous exercising, incorrect sleeping position, massaging of the treatment area, and other factors a doctor should tell you about before the administration.

The Bottom Line

Dermal filler treatment is a perfect way to eliminate imperfections caused by aging signs like wrinkles and folds or other skin imperfections. In order to boost one’s confidence, you don’t need surgery – that one is an option for people who want radical changes in their appearance.

Effectiveness, safety, prolonged results, easy administration – the list of fillers’ benefits goes on and on. Of course, this article cannot replace a proper consultation with a professional in a clinic, but still, you may get a common idea of how exactly these aesthetic medications work. Hopefully, you’ve learned something new today. Thank you for joining us today!

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