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Euflexxa is one of the most advanced treatments for knee pain in patients who live with osteoarthritis. It is a prescription-based medication that might be used if a patient fails to respond adequately to non-invasive methods of knee pain reduction (for instance, the intake of simple analgesics).

But what are the Euflexxa injection side effects? Is it absolutely safe to undergo the treatment that employs its product? Keep reading this article to find answers to these questions!

Euflexxa is intended only for professional use. Therefore, only a certified healthcare provider is eligible to
buy Euflexxa online and administer it beneath a patient’s skin.

What Is Euflexxa?

According to its motto, Euflexxa is “designed for performance.” Indeed, it is an injectable product that returns motion to knee joints in patients who live with osteoarthritis. In other words, it is an effective medication that treats osteoarthritis-related knee pain unless it can be reduced by other drugs and treatments of non-invasive nature.

The main active ingredient of Euflexxa is hyaluronic acid (namely, the product is based on 1% sodium hyaluronate). While functioning as a solid substitution for naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid that might be found in human joints, eyes, and skin, it effectively treats osteoarthritis-related pain in knee joints.

Euflexxa is a medical product indicated only for injections into knee joints. Thus, it should not be administered to any other joint affected by osteoarthritis.

How Does Euflexxa Work?

The properties of Euflexxa make it a solid substitution for naturally-occurring hyaluronic acid. In other words, the medication is pretty similar to the fluid that surrounds human joints. Therefore, it functions as a lubricant and shock absorber for them.

The way Euflexxa works is pretty straightforward:

  • Above anything else, a doctor investigates a current health condition of a patient to exclude the presence of any contraindications to the administration of the product;
  • After making sure that a patient does not have any contraindications to the injection of Euflexxa, a doctor immediately administers the product into a patient’s knee joint;
  • Once the injection process is over, a doctor might also apply an ice pack to the area of the treatment.

According to its treatment protocol, Euflexxa should be administered directly into a patient’s knee joint once a week for three to five weeks. Still, it might differ according to the individual peculiarities of each patient.

How Does Euflexxa Works

What Are the Side Effects of Euflexxa Injections?

In most cases, Euflexxa injections do not lead to any unwanted effects or complications. However, some patients claim to experience stomach pain, swelling of the knee, redness of the skin, cogh difficulty, severe headache, troubled breathing, and other symptoms after the Euflexxa injection. So, what side effects occur after the treatment? Let us figure it out together right away!

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Common Side Effects

The most possible side effects after the injection of Euflexxa are diarrhea, nausea, headache, and skin irritation at the treatment area. So, how about taking a closer look at them?


After the administration of Euflexxa, your body adjusts to it. Therefore, such health issues as diarrhea might occur (sometimes combined with stomach pain). In most cases, it tends to disappear on its own within several days after the injection.


Not only diarrhea but also nausea might occur after the administration of Euflexxa. In other words, you might have the urge to vomit shortly after receiving the injection of the medication. Usually, this side effect fades away in a couple of days.


Headache is one more symptom typical for patients who undergo Euflexxa injections. Similar to other effects mentioned above, it has a temporary character and does not last for too long. If needed, you might reduce it with the intake of simple analgesics.

Please make sure to consult with your healthcare provider when choosing simple analgesics after the injection of Euflexxa. This way, you will be able to avoid unwanted drug interactions and complications they might lead to.

Skin Irritation IN the Treatment Area

On top of the above-mentioned side effects, the administration of Euflexxa might cause skin irritation in the treatment area. Namely, you might experience redness, itching, swelling, and bruising (of nonelevated blue color) around the injection site. Under normal circumstances, these symptoms do not require any special medical attention and gradually fade away.

Apart from redness, itching, swelling, or bruising, you might also experience skin irritation symptoms that are a bit less common (blue color or purplish patches in the skin tissues).

Rare Side Effects

The following side effects appear not as often as the ones that are mentioned above. Let us go through them right away.

Musculoskeletal Pain

After receiving the Euflexxa injection, you might experience general musculoskeletal pain (as if after heavy lifting). Despite the fact that this symptom does not belong to serious side effects, it might cause much discomfort. Thus, it is preferable to consult with your healthcare provider in case of feeling pain in your muscles or skeleton after the treatment.

Discomfort Around the Injection Site

Apart from musculoskeletal pain, you might also experience discomfort around the injection site after the administration of Euflexxa. In most cases, it might be caused by intra-articular skin penetration by a fine gauge needle. Therefore, discomfort around the injection site does not carry any serious risks and is regarded as a rather mild side effect of Euflexxa.


Furthermore, a certain percentage of patients report feeling faint after the injection of Euflexxa. In rare cases, you might even lose consciousness either during or shortly after the administration of the medication. Make sure to consult with your healthcare provider in case of feeling faint after the treatment.

Increased Blood Pressure

Last but not least, you might also have increased blood pressure for a certain time after the administration of Euflexxa. It is a rather rare side effect of the medication. Still, it is essential not to ignore it and contact your healthcare provider if not feeling well after the injection process.

It is not a complete list of possible side effects after the injection of Euflexxa. Each human body is individual. Therefore, you might experience some individual symptoms after having the medication administered to your knee joint.

How to Minimize the Risk of Side Effects of Euflexxa?

There are several methods to minimize the risk of side effects after the administration of Euflexxa. For instance:

  • Exclude all possible contraindications to the treatment. Namely, allow your healthcare provider thoroughly investigate your current health condition. Also, please remember that the administration of Euflexxa is contraindicated to patients with an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid, below the age of 21, or during pregnancy;
  • Follow the after-treatment recommendations of your healthcare provider. For example, avoid strenuous exercising for at least forty-eight hours after the administration of the medication. As well, do not stay for more than one hour at a time for a couple of days after the treatment.

If, despite taking the above-mentioned methods into account, Euflexxa injections’ side effects continue to occur, please contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. This way, you will be able to prevent serious complications.

A Bottom Line

All in all, Euflexxa is an effective medication to take care of knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Still, it might lead to a number of side effects in some cases. So, please consult with your healthcare provider to make sure that the administration of the medication is safe in your individual case.

If you are a certified healthcare provider, feel free to order Euflexxa and a wide range of other
brand-name cosmetic injectables on BeautyDermal. This way, you will be able to benefit from reasonable wholesale prices and reliable delivery options.

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