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If you are currently considering an injection of Restylane for lip augmentation, contouring, or moisturization – you have come to the right place. Below, you will find answers to all the questions you might have in regard to the procedure.

So, what are we waiting for? Let us delve into the world of Restylane dermal fillers right away and get one step closer to the full, contoured, and well-hydrated lips of your dreams!

Before we start: You might advantageously buy dermal fillers (including Restylane Volyme, Kysse, Lyps, Refyne, and Defyne) on BeautyDermal. Simply check out its assortment and order the needed product conveniently!

What Is Restylane?

Restylane is a world-known brand of cosmetic injectables that combines experience, innovation, and quality. It is manufactured in Switzerland byQ-Med, a division of a global pharmaceutical corporation of Galderma.

While having an extensive product range, Restylane produces a wide assortment of mesotherapy solutions and dermal fillers. Each of them has its own peculiarities and indications. At the same time, Restylane products are characterized by high-quality composition, strong effectiveness, attractive result, great safety, and long-lasting duration of action.

What Is the Composition of Restylane?

All Restylane solutions are based on synthetic hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. It functions as an effective substitution for the naturally-occurring fluid that might be found in human joints, eyes, and skin tissues.

The main function of hyaluronic acid is hydration. By means of attracting moisture to body cells, it helps them to remain profoundly volumized, smooth, and good-looking (even in the midst of the aging process, when the natural levels of hyaluronic acid substantially decrease).

Another essential substance in the composition of many Restylane products is prefilled lidocaine hydrochloride. By means of temporarily numbing the area of the treatment, it functions as a local anesthetic to reduce the feeling of pain or discomfort a patient might feel during the procedure.

Are you interested in knowing all about dermal fillers? Then you should visit our article Juvederm vs. Radiesse. It was written by our professionals for you so that you know everything you need to know about these products.

How Does Restylane Work?

A vast majority of products in the Restylane product line belong to the group of hyaluronic acid fillers. Therefore, their working principle is based on the power of the substance to retain moisture in the body cells.

Here is how it works: after a healthcare provider injects Restylane beneath a patient’s skin (or lip mucosa) with the help of a fine gauge needle. The administered product starts acting immediately by hydrating, volumizing, and smoothing the skin (or lips) around the injection site. Moreover, it accelerates the process of natural collagen production and, therefore, nurtures the tissues “from within.”

What Are the Main Indications for Restylane Injections?

All Restylane injections are indicated for aging skin tissues that have begun to lose their elasticity. They primarily aim to prolong the youthful appearance of a patient and make it more attractive. These aims are usually achieved by:

  • Reducing the appearance of fine lines, folds, and wrinkles (such as vertical lip lines, nasolabial folds, crow’s feet, marionette lines, and other facial wrinkles);
  • Restoring the facial volume;
  • Enhancing the facial contouring;
  • Improving the appearance of the lips;
  • And so on.

What Are the Main Fillers in the Restylane Family?

The Restylane product line includes a wide range of solutions, each of them having its own peculiarities and purposes, namely:

Which Restylane Is the Best for Lips?

There are two main lip filler solutions within the Restylane range, namely Restylane Kysse and Restylane Silk. They both create a profound enhancement of the lower or the upper lip by means of making them look more attractive.

Despite being quite similar in regard to their composition and purposes, these lip fillers are not identical. More precisely, the main difference between them is that they have slightly different formulations. While Restylane Kysse is composed of a little bit bigger gel particles, it might have more visible (but nevertheless natural-looking) results. Restylane Silk, in its turn, is specifically formulated with smaller gel particles to provide exceptionally subtle results. Normally, it is a task of a healthcare provider to define which Restylane for lips is going to fit the individual needs of a patient best.

What Are the Expected Results of Using Restylane for Lips?

No matter whether we are talking about Restylane Kysse or Restylane Silk lip filler treatment, a patient is expected to see instant and attractive results. Both products usually create a profound lip enhancement by means of augmenting, contouring, and moisturizing the lip body.

Apart from contributing to overall lip fullness, Restylane lip fillers might also take care of minor skin creases in the perioral area (for instance, smile lines or smoker’s lines). By means of effectively treating lip lines, the two dermal fillers create smoother and more attractive skin around the lips.

How Often Should Restylane Be Injected into Lips?

Under normal circumstances, a single Restylane treatment should provide a patient with a durable result that lasts up to one year. However, its exact duration strongly depends on the individual peculiarities of each patient, such as their skin type, health condition, age, and even lifestyle.

On top of that, the avoidance of consuming alcohol, visiting tanning beds, and doing strenuous exercises for at least 48 hours after the lip injection with the help of Restylane might substantially prolong its result.

Thus, it is a task of a healthcare provider to define the frequency with which Restylane should be injected into lips. Normally, a patient who doesn’t have any contraindications to the treatment might undergo a new lip augmentation as soon as the result from the previous one starts to fade away.

lips fillers

What Contraindications Does Restylane for Lips Have?

Similar to other lip treatments based on hyaluronic acid (for instance, the usage of Juvederm lip fillers), the injection of Restylane for lips should not be performed if a patient has one of the following contraindications:

  • An allergy to any component in the composition of a dermal filler (for instance, lidocaine or hyaluronic acid);
  • An ongoing infection around the intended area of the treatment (including herpes);
  • A serious health complication (especially all kinds of bleeding disorders);
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • And so on.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Injecting Restylane into Lips?

In most cases, lip filler solutions of the Restylane brand are safe for all skin types (including normal, fatty, and dry skin). They usually create attractive and natural-looking lips without causing any serious adverse reactions.

At the same time, there are patients who might experience one of the following side effects after the injection of Restylane cosmetic dermal fillers:

  • Redness, itching, or swelling around the injection site;
  • Lumps;
  • Pain or discomfort;
  • And so on.

These symptoms have a temporary character and tend to disappear a couple of days after the procedure. However, a patient is still recommended to contact a healthcare provider in case of experiencing any of them.

What Is the Difference Between Restylane and Other Lip Fillers?

There exists a great number of lip treatments in the market of aesthetic medicine. A vast majority of them might be described as hyaluronic acid filler solutions for the natural-looking volume of the lips.

Probably the main competitors to Restylane fillers for lips are Juvederm lip fillers (such as Juvederm Ultra XC or Juvederm Volbella). Both types of products are characterized by great quality, safety, and effectiveness. Moreover, they have similar composition, purpose, and duration of action.

However, there is one essential difference between them. Unlike Restylane (which might be described as a granular gel), Juvederm has an exceptionally smooth consistency. As a result, Restylane tends to stay where it is placed, while Juvederm diffuses into the lips.

Still, it is impossible to define the best filler for lips when comparing Restylane and Juvederm (or other dermal fillers) since everything depends on the individual needs of each patient. The same refers to the definition of the best Restylane for lips.

How Much Does Restylane for Lips Cost?

The cost of a lip treatment with the help of Restylane strongly depends on the geographical location, lip condition, and desired result of a patient. As well, it might vary depending on the qualification of a healthcare provider who is going to perform the injection.

On average, however, it might cost you from $400 to $800 for the administration of 1 ml of the product into your lip tissues. Due to the fact that it is a procedure of aesthetic medicine, it is not usually paid for by health insurance (except for the ones that specifically cover dermal fillers).

Final Words

All in all, the injection of Restylane Kysse and Restylane Silk for lips is an advantageous procedure of aesthetic medicine. It is effectively used to provide a patient with an instantly visible but nevertheless natural-looking lip enhancement (as well as to take care of upper lip lines, vertical lip lines, smile lines, and other skin creases in the perioral area). Among the main benefits of Restylane for lips are great safety, strong effectiveness, and long-lasting duration.

So, how about contacting your healthcare provider right away and trying out the Restylane filler for lips yourself? Become happier by creating the lips of your dreams with the help of Restylane!

P.S. Please note that Restylane belongs to products intended for professional use. Therefore, only certified dermatologists, cosmetologists, or plastic surgeons are eligible to order Restylane online and use it for lip augmentation.


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