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Pain in the joints, especially the knees, is quite a widespread thing. Unfortunately, and these are not just the elderly people who complain about the pain in their knees. Over 30% of 30-35 years old men and women note they have mid to severe pain, and the percentage is constantly growing.

What are the main causes of pain in the knees, what doctor to apply to when having knee pain, how to treat and more importantly prevent knee problems – these and many other equations we have asked the doctor Susan White – traumatologist-orthopedist. Let’s get started!

What Are the Possible Causes of Knee Pain?

The causes of pain in the knees can be degenerative-dystrophic changes in the knee joint, trauma, knee injury, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, knee osteoarthritis. Pain can be associated with both systemic rheumatic diseases and instability of the lumbosacral spine, the so-called reflected pain. This is a violation of the statodynamic function of the muscle attached to the upper third of the inner surface of the tibia. People think that they have pain in the knee joint, but in fact, it is just tension in the adductor muscle group of the thigh and muscles of the attachment point to the inner surface of the upper third of the lower leg.

When Should you Go to a Doctor in Case of Knee Joint Pain?

When Should you Go to a Doctor in Case of Knee Joint Pain

If the pain appeared and disappeared within a few hours without any treatment, then this may be associated with any neurological symptomatology or physical exertion. That is, these are muscle pains or in the area of attachment of muscles, tendons, and the anterior cruciate ligament. They usually go away on their own within two to three days.

If, for example, the knees hurt and swell, that is, there is knee swelling in the area of the joint, then you need to look for some kind of pathology. And the edema does not have to be large. It can be insignificant. In this case, an appeal to a specialist is required to prescribe an examination.

In the absence of such a specialist as an orthopedic traumatologist, it is necessary to contact a surgeon. If there is no surgeon, then you can go to a general practitioner or general practitioner.

How Does the Diagnosis of Knee Joint is Carried Out?

If the knee hurts, then the main thing is the physical examination and clinical picture (examination and taking anamnesis). The doctor finds out when the knee pain appeared, with what the patient associates its appearance.

An experienced orthopedic traumatologist makes a diagnosis based on the clinical picture with, let’s say, 70-80% certainty. And additional research methods are confirmed according to the principles of evidence-based medicine, for example, for cases of inspection of insurance companies or examination of the quality of care.

In the case of knee pain, the patient may also be prescribed diagnostic methods such as MRI or CT. Magnetic resonance imaging is performed if the soft tissue component (cartilage, ligaments, joint capsule, menisci) is examined. And if we want to see the bone structure and clarify the spatial location of some pathological formation or process, then a computed tomography or X-ray is done.

What is the Treatment for Knee Joint Pain?

In the beginning, you need to make a diagnosis in order to understand which pathology is a manifestation of knee pain. If the knees hurt for reasons related to trauma, then, first of all, this is immobilization with the help of a splint, orthosis or plaster cast, and analgesics for knee stability.

As for arthritis, it can be infectious and non-infectious, purulent and non-purulent. Because these are different pathologies, then the treatment, respectively, is different. If it is knee arthritis that is not associated with any infectious agent, then anti-inflammatory therapy is performed. And this treatment is usually handled by both a general practitioner and a rheumatologist.

In the case when the musculoskeletal and skin diseases are associated with a purulent inflammatory process, then it is necessary to contact purulent surgeons. If purulent arthritis is started in time to heal with the help of arthroscopic technology, then we get very good results, completely washing all corners of the joint with saline. After such treatment, a person is less susceptible to disability. And, as a rule, it recovers quite well.

For arthrosis, intra-articular injections of glucocorticoids and, in some cases, plasmolifting, PRP-therapy (enriched platelet plasma therapy) are used. The doctor can also try to eliminate conflicts in the joint and maintain range of motion by removing the intra-articular chondritic bodies, injuries. That is, it performs the so-called debridement of the joint, and thereby creates smooth movement in the joint, prolonging its life. With arthroscopic treatment, intra-articular injection of chondroprotectors is mandatory in the postoperative period.

One of the most effective, fast, and innovative methods to treat knee pain in the joint caused by the friction of 2 bones are the injections of hyaluronic acid that benefit the knee alignment and replace the natural lubricant in the joint that is worn out with time.

Despite the above-mentioned treatment options carried out for arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis, their effectiveness may be insufficient. In such cases, the question is raised about performing total joint replacement, i.e., when the joint is replaced with an endoprosthesis.

Well, the main thing is the motor regime, the use of exercise therapy, and rehabilitation. This makes it possible to support the joints.

However, in any case, a complete examination is necessary. For this, the clinical picture and additional research methods, which I have listed above, are used.

Prevention of the Knee Joint Damage and Pain

Firstly, it is an active lifestyle. If a person did not move for a long time and then gave a load, this is very bad for the joints. It is compulsory that you need constant supporting, let’s say, range of motion and certain physical activity.

Second, use the right footwear. Very often, knee pain is associated with wearing the wrong shoes. These are sneakers, moccasins, ballet flats, etc. That is shoes that lack the criteria for healthy shoes. What concerns them? This is without fail a classic heel (2-3 cm), a firm block, rigid in the middle, and the use of instep support.

Healthy weight. Every additional kilogram creates load and stress for the joints, especially the knees, which carry the weight of the whole body. Keeping fit is not just nice but crucial for the health of bones and joints, decreasing the risk factors for knee injuries and other knee problems resulting in knee pain and limited mobility!

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