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Skin aging is a natural process, which is, unfortunately, unavoidable. Everyone experiences it, and even if we reduce stress to the minimum and stop moving facial muscles, still we’ll see fine lines and wrinkles after some time. Only nature can be blamed, and it is a harsh truth.

Still, even though it’s impossible to stop skin aging completely, there is a chance to pause it and preserve a younger-looking appearance for a little longer. The combination of a correctly-planned skincare routine, specific aesthetic procedures, and dedication to this goal is the most effective formula most people will find helpful. On top of that, the topic’s understanding is also essential, so we are all gathered here today – to discuss common dermis changes and skin care for women in their 40s. The BeautyDermal team believes that spreading awareness can show others that glowing, healthy skin can be maintained at any age – just don’t postpone it for later. But enough for an introduction – let’s jump straight into the topic!

Why Do We Experience Skin Aging?

Before planning the best skincare routine addressing different aesthetic problems, let’s answer one of the most commonly asked questions from our clients’ patients – why do we go through skin aging?

The answer here is simple – it’s a natural skin cell regeneration process. As people age, skin cells regenerate slower, and the dermis loses its elasticity and hydration. Because of that, people experience dry skin, growth of blemishes, and some other unfortunate changes in their appearance. Melanocyte decrease is one more common reason for the previously mentioned problems, along with collagen production slowdown. That’s why people notice a lack of skin elasticity, creases deepen, and wrinkles, even in areas that have been flawless before.

Of course, other factors may stimulate skin aging and cause premature furrows and lines on the facial surface as well. Stress, smoking, poor hydration and diet, prolonged sun exposure, pollution – it’s the combination of everything, so multiple aspects should be considered to create the most effective skincare routine for an individual.

Skin Problems in Your 40s, and How to Adress Them?

The main change people experience in their 40s is collagen production reduction; because of it, the skin barrier may be damaged easier, wrinkles become more noticeable, skin tone and texture become duller. We believe it’s not something people are prepared to deal with and is definitely not something to enjoy. So, let’s read more about the most common problems people face after hitting a certain age; glowing, clear skin in 40s is real if you know how to address specific issues properly!

#1. Deep Fine Lines and Creases

What is the first thing that comes to mind when discussing an older person’s appearance? Fine lines and wrinkles are usually the first things that come to mind. These imperfections are noticeable because of the elasticity loss and are typically more pronounced in zones responsible for active facial movement (for example, perioral and periorbital areas).


According to specialists, adding retinol to one’s skincare routine is one of the most effective at-home methods; this form of vitamin A is available over the counter in the form of serums and creams. Using it topically makes skin cell turnover possible; you may also boost collagen production significantly. Applying SPF daily is another helpful option to protect sensitive skin from damaging UV rays.

In case creases are too deep and topical treatments won’t help, dermal filler injections would work well to restore lost volume, hydrate dry skin, and correct asymmetry typical for older people. Botox injections are effective as a preventative method, so we recommend considering them in your early 30s; start using botulinum toxins in advance, and you will thank yourself later!

#2. Hyperpirmantstion and Skin Discoloration

This issue is pretty common for people with freckles at a younger age. With years, these can turn into age (also sun) spots that not only spoil the overall aesthetic of one’s looks but are also potentially dangerous.


Regarding topical products that may help reach visibly brighter skin, antioxidants like vitamin C are among the most popular ones. Consider a vitamin C serum or cream as an addition to a skincare routine. Niacinamide (or vitamin B3) is also an excellent option to address dark spots in numerous facial areas. And don’t forget about SPF! Chemical peels are the most effective when discussing available topical treatments in the clinic.

Hyperpirmantstion and Skin Discoloration

#3. Dehydrated Skin

It may come out as a surprise, but even people with perfect skin may experience dry skin in their 40s. The thing is, as we age, fatty acids, natural oils, and lipids in the skin reduce; as a result, the dermis becomes dryer, and aging signs are more noticeable.


Everyone should remember that acting from the inside out is more effective than you think. Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is an excellent solution not only for keeping skin firmer and more glowing; it’s great for one’s health overall, so don’t forget about it as you’re grabbing your third coffee today.

Speaking about products to add to the skincare routine, anything with a high concentration of hyaluronic acid will be beneficial. Hyaluronic acid serum, cream, masks – pick one according to your preferences. Special hydrating dermal fillers (such as Juvederm Hydrate) may also be administered to boost collagen production, increase the amount of HA in the skin, and ensure the dermis is hydrated on several layers.

#4. Hollowness in Certain Areas

With age, all skin types tend to lose elasticity, so people may notice hollowness, especially in the under-eye and temples areas. Cheeks can also drop, leading to nasolabial folds and marionette lines worsening. That’s why many people complain about “skull-like” appearance as they age.


Unfortunately, topical additions to the skincare routine can’t reduce facial hollowness. However, specialists find facial injectables one of the most effective options for lost volume restoration. Based on a patient’s needs, different brands may be considered:

  • Hyaluronic acid-based fillers (Restylane, Juvederm);
  • Calcium-based injectables (Radiesse);
  • Poly-L-lactic acid fillers (Sculptra).

The best solution should be picked based on one’s aesthetic goals, age, the level of skin hollowness, and some other factors that must be previously discussed with a medical professional.

#5. Duller Skin Appearance

Wrinkles and dark spots are not the only problems typical for older skin. With age, more dead skin cells remain on a facial surface; as a result, skin looks dull and sometimes unhealthy, which surely does not complement one’s looks. The natural youthful tone of rosy cheeks disappears, but reversing this process is possible.


The quickest solution everyone can use at home is a gentle exfoliator. If you remove dead skin cells from the facial surface, the brightening effect won’t make you wait. Different variations may be considered as an option – from natural granulated exfoliators to chemical ones – just pick the one you think best suits your needs. If there are any doubts, a consultation with a cosmetologist is always helpful!

#6. Negative Skin Texture Changes

If a person doesn’t take proper care of their skin during younger age, in their 40s, they will notice uneven skin texture. Due to the elastin production decrease, skin can just hang loosely in specific zones, which is not the most admirable picture. These changes are especially noticeable in the eye area, where the skin is the thinnest; that’s also why dark circles and under-eye bags become more prominent with age.


Peelings are among the first procedures that come to mind when considering the best treatments to even skin texture. There are a few types of these, and the right one is typically selected based on one’s aesthetic request. Superficial, medium, deep – getting to the problem’s core is possible!

Regarding home-based solutions, retinol is the best for skin tone correction. As a bonus, final lines and creases will also be eliminated after retinol is introduced into one’s skincare routine. Just don’t forget about mineral sunscreen, as skin becomes more sensitive after starting retinol therapy.

You may also find our Botox for Sweaty Hands article helpful. It reveals the essence of using Botox for your hands.

#7. Natural Fragility Increase

After a certain age, the skin’s fragility increases due to the flattening the area where the epidermis and dermis connect. As a result, skin becomes thinner, more sensitive, as well as reactive to external irritants.


Reconsidering products used in one’s skincare routine is usually the most helpful piece of advice specialists give. Try switching to scent-free solutions, avoid products that may cause irritation and allergies, and discuss the best and safest options for skin rejuvenation with a doctor – the improvement will be noticeable in no time!

Prevent Premature Skin Aging

Premature skin aging is a more common problem than you may think. Due to numerous external and internal factors, people regularly notice new imperfections on their facial surfaces, and that’s not something to be happy about. Fortunately, there are a few helpful tips that may help prevent premature skin aging:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure. We have told it already, and we’ll tell you again that ultraviolet rays are not our friends. Protect the skin by using sunscreen regularly;
  • Quit smoking. Not only this habit affects your health, but it’s also the reason of smoker lines around the mouth are noticeable in those who smoke regularly;
  • Don’t skip your skincare. Cleanse to remove dirt and makeup, moisturize to keep skin hydrated, and don’t forget to visit a cosmetologist once in a while to pumper yourself;
  • Lower your stress. It may surprise you, but stress can affect both how we feel and how we look. Meditate, journal, and avoid stressful situations to stay calm and relaxed;
  • Regulate your diet. We are what you eat, and that’s 100% true. Cut off junk food and sodas, add more fruits and vegetables; you’ll definitely thank yourself later.

The Final Word: How to Take Care of Your Skin in Your 40s?

Looking youthful in your 40s is not a fantasy; it’s a real goal that can be easily achieved if aging problems are correctly and timely addressed. Wrinkles, dull skin color and texture, hollowness – forget about it. With the right combination of home-based procedures and cosmetic treatments, your skin will be glowing and flawless for a long time, even during your 40s.

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