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Did you know that an average person loses about 100 hairs every day? Don’t worry, though, as every hair that falls out is replaced by a new one under normal circumstances. However, there is a whole number of reasons that might lead to substantial hair loss problems. Luckily, you might employ a great variety of methods of how to stimulate hair growth, such as the intake of vitamins, scalp massage, mesotherapy.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at mesotherapy for hair loss prevention. When being more precise, we will discuss hair loss first, and then delve into mesotherapy treatment. So, what are we waiting for?

An important note: You might also employ a variety of aesthetic medicine preparations when fighting hair loss. Click here to check out their description or order them online.

Hair Loss From A to Z

On average, you would lose more than 50 percent of your hair before it will become clearly noticeable to anyone. But what exactly is hair loss and why does it occur? Let’s figure it out.

What Is Hair Loss?

Hair loss (which is often called alopecia) is a medical condition that takes place when new hair does not grow back to replace the one that falls out. Depending on the classification criteria, hair loss is divided into different types:

  • It might either be temporary or permanent;
  • Alopecia can occur suddenly or develop gradually;
  • It may affect the whole body (including eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair on the dermis) or only the scalp;
  • Alopecia might resemble male pattern baldness or a female pattern hair loss;
  • Etc.

Hair loss might be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Gradual top-head hair thinning (which is also referred to as androgenic alopecia). While appearing together with the age, it is the most widely spread type of hair loss that is characterized by the receding hairline on your forehead;
  • Circular bald spots (or, as it is also called, alopecia areata).As its title suggests, this type of balding is characterized by patchy hairless spots on your scalp. Furthermore, it might also be supported by head-skin itching or pain;
  • Etc.

P.S. Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, the general hair thinning or its excessive loss over a short period of time might also serve as the first signs of alopecia.

What Are the Main Types of Alopecia?

There exists a great number of different alopecia types, namely:

  • Involutional alopecia. It is the so-called “normal” baldness that occurs as a person ages. Involutional loss of hair is characterized by gradual hair thinning that appears because of hair follicles being not as active as they used to be;
  • Alopecia universalis. This type of hair loss employs whole body baldness. Namely, not only your scalp hair but also your eyebrows and eyelashes fall out;
  • Telogen effluvium. While being caused by the changes in the hair growth cycle, this alopecia type is temporary and disappears after most hairs return to their active phase;
  • Etc.

As well, such conditions as trichotillomania or scarring alopecia can also be seen as the sub-types of hair loss.

What Are the Reasons for Hair Loss?

Despite the fact that it is difficult to define the exact reasons for every individual alopecia case, the below-mentioned reasons are among the most widely spread ones:

  • Genetic hereditary. You might be predisposed to hair loss because of your genes;
  • Aging process. Our hair gets thinner as we age, mainly because of the great number of hair follicles entering the resting phase;
  • Hormones. For instance, the excessive number of androgens might lead to alopecia;
  • Illness. Such medical conditions as diabetes or anemia may lead to temporary hair loss;
  • Burn or injury. In case you have burnt or injured a certain skin area, you might lose hair on it until it will regrow;
  • Drugs. The intake of different medications like chemotherapy drugs, beta-adrenergic blockers, or birth control pills might cause temporal alopecia;
  • Stress. Hair loss is also listed among the side effects of an increased level of stress;
  • Childbirth. After giving birth to a child, you might experience excessive hair shedding because of the falling level of estrogen;
  • Autoimmune disease. The incorrect work of the immune system caused by an autoimmune disease might affect hair follicles and lead to alopecia areata;
  • Cosmetic procedures. If you dye your hair, braid it tight, or use hot curlers, you might experience a temporary hair thinning caused by its damage;
  • Diet. A severe restriction of calories and a poor diet might also serve as a trigger to alopecia.

An important note: To figure out the main cause of alopecia in your particular case, it is recommendable to consult with your doctor.

Everything You Need to Know About Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Everything You Need to Know About Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Among a great number of methods to treat alopecia and stimulate hair growth such as radical hair transplant surgery or light scalp massage, mesotherapy is probably one of the most safe and efficient ones. So, let’s discuss mesotherapy for hair in detail.

What Is Mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is the therapy that employs the injections of different therapeutic preparations (such as vitamins, hormones, or enzymes) for a number of purposes. Here is the list of main applications of the treatment in contemporary cosmetic dermatology:

  • Excessive fat removal;
  • Cellulite reduction;
  • Wrinkles smoothing;
  • Body shape recontouring;
  • Pigmentation lightening;
  • Skin tightening;
  • Alopecia treatment;
  • Etc.

The technique of mesotherapy involves tiny needles that are injected into the middle skin layer. This way, the therapy both delivers the essential nutrients and initiates active blood circulation in the treatment area.

Despite the fact that mesotherapy is considered to be a pretty safe solution, it might still lead to the following side effects:

  • Irritation of the treatment area that includes redness, swelling, or rash;
  • Bruising;
  • Pain;
  • Etc.

When speaking about the efficacy of the procedure, it depends on the quality of the preparation that is injected, the technique that is applied, the area of the treatment, and other individual factors. Still, most patients who undergo mesotherapy claim it to be an extremely efficient solution to their health issues.

How Is Mesotherapy Used to Fight Alopecia?

One of the most widely spread procedures nowadays is mesotherapy hair treatment. It does not prevent alopecia but also stimulates hair regrowth and, therefore, improves its general condition.

The main ingredients that are usually injected into the scalp during the mesotherapy for hair are:

  • Vitamins and natural plant extracts;
  • Medical preparations like minoxidil and finasteride.

A side note: While the efficacy of vitamins or natural plant extracts injections into hair follicles hasn’t been scientifically proved yet, medical preparations such as minoxidil or finasteride have been confirmed as efficient hair growth factors.

The efficacy of hair mesotherapy is achieved by means of:

  • Hormone imbalance correction;
  • Nutrients delivery;
  • Blood circulation improvement.

As a result of the above-mentioned effects from mesotherapy, a patient who has undergone the treatment might experience hair regrowth, thickening, and improvement.

A Bottom Line

All in all, mesotherapy is a widely spread and efficient technique to both prevent hair loss and improve its general quality. So, how about giving it a try and benefiting from healthy, thick, and shining hair strands?

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