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Did you know that the skeletal system of the human body consists of 206 bones? And orthopedics is a branch of medicine that takes care of them by means of different methods and techniques, such as orthopedic surgeries, devices, or injections.

So, what is an orthopedic injection? What types of orthopedic injections are there? And, finally, how do orthopedic injections work to treat health issues? Check out this article to find the answers.

An important note: If you would like to order preparations for orthopedic injections online, visit BeautyDermal, a reliable supplier of high-quality medications.

What Is an Orthopedic Injection?

An orthopedic injection is an injectable treatment that is applied in contemporary medicine (when being more precise, in orthopedics). Its main aim is to deliver the necessary medication to a certain body area (like a tendon tissue) and, as a result, take care of the pain that is caused by inflammation.

An important note: In most cases, orthopedic injections are the methods that are applied in orthopedics to fight pain and inflammation in case of inefficiency of such methods as physical therapy or activity modification. However, they might not be 100% effective or permanent in certain cases, where only orthopedic surgery has to be applied.

Patients who undergo orthopedic injections might enjoy the following effect from the treatment:

  • Pain relief;
  • Inflammation reduction;
  • Healing process aid;
  • Etc.

The above-mentioned advantages of the treatment provide its patients with a general increase of comfort during their daily activities.

Since orthopedic injections aim to reduce the pain in joints, they are usually applied to the following areas of the human body:

  • A knee;
  • A hip;
  • A shoulder;
  • Etc.

While providing you with pain relief in your joint tissue, orthopedic injections might still lead to the following side effects:

  • An allergic reaction;
  • Swelling;
  • Skin discoloration;
  • Infection;
  • Etc.

In case of experiencing any of the above-mentioned side effects after orthopedic injection treatments, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

What Types of Orthopedic Injections Are Used for Joint Pain Relief?


Orthopedic doctors employ a variety of orthopedic injection types to treat their patients. Below, you will find a detailed description of the main ones.

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections make use of cortisone preparation. Therefore, they are oftentimes called corticosteroids. The main purpose of steroid injections is to reduce inflammation in a certain joint area of the human body. As a result, they have the power to relieve pain by means of inflammation treatment.

A side note: Steroid injection is applied right into the joint area and might cause painful discomfort. Thus, a local anesthetic is oftentimes employed.

The effect of the treatment with the help of steroid injections lasts from six months to one year and has to be repeated from time to time.

Gel Injections

Gel injections (or, as they are also called, viscosupplementation or hyaluronic ones) employ hyaluronic acid gel-like fluid. Due to the fact that it is a natural substance that is found next to the human joint, a gel injection effectively reduces joint pain.

An important note: Please keep in mind that most gel injections include rooster combs and, therefore, should not be applied to treat patients who are allergic to these ingredients.

The average effectiveness of a gel injection might take up to a couple of weeks to become visible and lasts for about six months.

Experimental Injections

While steroid and gel injections reduce pain and inflammation but do not heal the damaged joint tissue, there is one more type of orthopedic injection that claims to treat it, namely an experimental injection. The most widely spread subtypes of experimental injections are PRP and Stem Cell injections.

A PRP injection is based on platelet-rich plasma, which is found in the human blood. Once being injected, it stimulates natural collagen production and, as a result, heals the joints.

A side note: A PRP injection is pretty new in orthopedic therapy. However, it has been used for more than twenty years for cell regeneration.

A Stem Cell injection, in its turn, applies stem cells that are taken from your own body and reinjected into the damaged joint. While having an anti-inflammatory and pain-relief effect, they are at the same time regenerative and can heal your joints.

An important note: A Stem Cell injection is not approved by FDA as a way to treat arthritis and might lead to unexpected side effects.

What Orthopedic Health Issues Can Be Treated by Injections?

Orthopedic injections have the power to relieve the pain caused by different orthopedic conditions. When being more precise, it is often used to treat arthritis and sports injury. How exactly? Read the information below to figure it out.

Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis is a tricky disease that develops over time and cannot be absolutely cured these days. However, its symptoms can still be efficiently managed by orthopedic injections.

A general note: Arthritis is characterized by joint tissue inflammation and the associated pain. There are two main types of the disease: Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The main difference between the two is the cause that stands behind their symptoms. While osteoarthritis is caused by the mechanical tear on joints, rheumatoid one is connected to the autoimmune disease.

The symptoms of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis might be treated by gel injections. After being injected into your joints, hyaluronic acid covers your bone and allows it to move smoothly and painlessly.

Sports Injury

One more efficient implementation of orthopedic injections is sports injury treatment. When being more precise, the shots are effectively used by sports medicine practitioners to return athletes to competition.

The most common orthopedic injections type that is employed in sports injury treatments is the steroid one. The cortisone medication is often helpful when it comes to the injuries and inflammation of the following body areas:

  • Tendon;
  • Knee;
  • Shoulder;
  • Elbow;
  • Hip;
  • Etc.

A side note: A steroid medication does not only reduce pain in the above-mentioned body parts but also allows athletes to get back on track within a short period of time.

A Bottom Line

All in all, orthopedic injections are effectively used to treat a number of health issues. While being effective in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritic treatments, they are at the same time used to take care of such sports injuries as tendon, knee, shoulder, or elbow inflammation.

So, how about trying an orthopedic injection therapy yourself and getting rid of the local pain in joints right away?

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