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What is Juvederm Voluma Used For?

Juvederm Voluma is one of the products belonging to the series of Juvederm injectables. It is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler gel that was designed specifically for replacing the fullness in the cheek and mid-face area. The filler gently volumizes the weakened and sunken skin making it look youthfully plump and firm. It works to refine the face contouring, particularly the jawline, by augmenting sagged skin and creating a delicate curve.

Juvederm Voluma is the first FDA-licensed dermal filler that can instantly restore the age-related loss of volume and damaged skin structure in patients of 21 and older. Beyond that, its effect is extremely last-longing and can remain up to 2 years.

How Does Juvederm Voluma Work?

The active ingredient of Voluma filler is hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance that the human body produces to keep the skin hydrated. It pulls the water to the treated sites and stimulates additional elastin and collagen production. As a result, the retained moisture molecules naturally rehydrate the skin, when the activated collagen endows it with a natural glow and suppleness.

How Is It Done?

Typically, Juvederm Voluma treatment runs quickly and causes relatively small pain. Usually, a previous local or topical anesthetic is administered to prevent any discomfort. When it takes effect, the gel-like substance is injected under the skin with a tiny needle. The results are not late to come, as the face contours become more pronounced and round right afterwards.

Major Benefits of Voluma

The specific target area of Juvederm Voluma makes this preparation exclusive and particularly effective. So, what can Voluma patients get?

  • Quick effect – it works outstandingly fast.
  • Natural way of action – it replenishes the lost fullness in the cheeks, cheekbones, and midface area in an exclusively natural manner.
  • Long-lasting results – the effect remains visible for 18 months – 2 years and requires no follow-up treatment.
  • Reversibility – since it is a hyaluronic acid filler, its results can be easily adjusted or reversed with the help of enzyme hyaluronidase shot.

Who Are the Best Candidates for Juvederm Voluma Treatment?

Patients of age 21 and older who want to restore cheek or midface volume that was diminished with age or as a result of weight loss will find Juvederm Voluma a godsend. This filler is perfect preparation for highlighting cheekbones and jawline recontouring. Also, it is applied to minimize the emergence of smile lines around the mouth.

Juvederm Voluma Side Effects & Precautions

The potential adverse reactions of Voluma include itching, bruising, swelling, mild pain in the injected sites. As a rule, the discomfort after the therapy may bother the patient no longer than 7 days.

More severe side effects can be caused if the injection was carried out disregarding the product?s contraindications, such as pregnancy, lactation period, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, taking drugs that may provoke an allergic reaction. The injection should not be accomplished if the targeted sites are injured or infected.

The treatment must be administered by a certified health professional and requires a previous in-depth consultation including medical history disclosure.

Juvederm Voluma Aftercare

To let the filler work appropriately, it is recommended to follow specific aftercare rules. There are a couple of activities that should be avoided during the first 48 hours after the injection including:

  • Massaging or pressing on the treatment areas
  • Active exercising
  • Extreme heat or cold
  • Sunbathing

Also, you should not put skincare and make-up products on the injected sites during the first 24 hours. Consuming alcohol or other blood-thinners should be avoided before and after the procedure.

A SIDE NOTE: Curious about finding the perfect Juvederm for your needs? Explore our comprehensive guide comparing Ultra and Ultra Plus in the article “Choosing the Right Juvederm: A Comprehensive Guide to Ultra vs. Ultra Plus“. It’s your key to making informed decisions!

How Much Does Juvederm Voluma Cost?

Taking into account its instant and long-lived effect, Voluma pricing is slightly higher than the average price of similar dermal fillers and reaches $1000 per syringe. When it comes to buying the filler in vials, the approximate Voluma cost is $200 per 10 vials. In general, Juvederm Voluma prices depend on the product quality and vary from supplier to supplier.

Are you interested in Juvederm dermal fillers? Then you should visit our article Juvederm vs. Radiesse and understand which dermal filler is best for you.

If you wonder, where is a good place to buy Juvederm Voluma online, make sure to check our store. You can buy Juvederm Voluma wholesale or get it in retail, as well as other dermal fillers with high quality and at a bargain price. Take a look and be favorably impressed!