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Nowadays, an intrauterine device (IUD) is definitely among the most popular birth control methods. While being a moderately new way to protect oneself from unplanned pregnancy, it is characterized by more than 99% safety and long-lasting duration.

Kyleena and Mirena are among the most beloved brands of IUDs. But what is the difference between them? Well, let us figure it out by going through this Kyleena and Mirena IUDs comparison!

Worth Knowing:
Other popular brands of IUDs are Paragard IUD, Liletta IUD, Skyla IUD, and Copper IUD. They all, together with Kyleena and Mirena IUDs, are available on BeautyDermal for a fair price.
About Mirena and Kyleena in a Nutshell

Below, you will find a short overview of Mirena and Kyleena. Let us check out the most relevant information on brands right away!

What is Mirena?

Mirena is a hormonal birth control method. It is an intrauterine device (IUD) produced by Bayer. Mirena is a safe method of preventing pregnancy for up to eight years that has been approved by the FDA.

Worth Knowing:
Feel free to order Mirena online on BeautyDermal to take advantage of a reasonable price and reliable delivery.

The shape of Mirena resembles the letter “T.” Shortly after being placed into the uterus to prevent pregnancy, it starts to release levonorgestrel (a progestin hormone). Thus, Mirena is a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system that does the following:

  • It makes the cervical mucus thicker to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg;
  • It thins the endometrial lining of the uterus to partially suppress ovulation.

By doing so, Mirena provides a patient with 99% safety, making it impossible to get pregnant while using the IUD. Therefore, it is an exceptionally reliable method of contraception that does not require any additional ovulation monitoring.

Worth Knowing:
Apart from being an effective birth control device, Mirena is also a hormonal IUD that reduces heavy menstrual bleeding to make it more comfortable for a patient. However, it does not protect from ectopic pregnancy.


Kyleena is another effective birth control method in the form of an intrauterine device (IUD). It is also produced by Bayer and approved by FDA. After having the Kyleena IUD inserted into the uterus, a patient stays protected from unplanned pregnancy for up to five years.

Looking for a comprehensive comparison between Kyleena and Mirena intrauterine devices (IUDs)? Visit BeautyDermal’s blog to explore their informative article on “Kyleena vs. Mirena: What’s the Difference?” Gain valuable insights into the unique features, benefits, and considerations of each IUD, helping you make an informed decision about your contraceptive options. Stay updated with the latest information on women’s health and reproductive choices. BeautyDermal offers expert guidance to empower you in making the best decisions for your well-being. Dive into their blog post today to discover the differences between Kyleena and Mirena!

Worth Knowing:
If you are looking for the most advantageous prices and delivery options, buy Kyleena online on BeautyDermal.

Similar to Mirena, Kyleena is a T-shaped hormonal IUD (or, more precisely, a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system). With the help of the progestin hormone called levonorgestrel, it prevents the sperm from reaching the egg and suppresses ovulation as follows:

  • It plays a crucial role in the process of thickening cervical mucus;
  • It makes the lining of the uterus thinner.

Therefore, the Kyleena IUD insertion is an effective hormonal method to prevent pregnancy in an easy and comfortable way. Under normal circumstances, it provides a patient with 99% of effectiveness.

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Kyleena vs. Mirena

Worth Knowing:
Just like Mirena, Kyleena intrauterine devices might also be used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding and create lighter periods. In most cases, they would either cause irregular bleeding or even suppress it. Still, they cannot protect a patient from acute pelvic inflammatory disease.

Kyleena vs. Mirena IUD

Now, let us compare and contrast Kyleena and Mirena. How about checking out the similarities and differences between them?

What Are the Similarities of Kyleena and Mirena IUDs?

Mirena and Kyleena are birth control methods that have the following similarities:

  • They both belong to the class of hormonal IUDs. In other words, both devices release a hormone called levonorgestrel (progestin) in order to prevent a patient from getting pregnant in an unplanned way;
  • Neither Kyleena nor Mirena protects a patient from sexually transmitted infections (at the same time, however, both hormonal IUDs might create a low risk of a pelvic inflammatory disease by thickening the mucus in the cervix);
  • Both birth control devices make the periods lighter. Namely, any of them treats heavy periods by creating light irregular bleeding or even fully suppressing it until an IUD gets removed;
  • The results of Kyleena are fully reversible, just like the ones of Mirena. Therefore, a patient might be able to get pregnant again in just a few months after the IUD removal under normal circumstances;
  • Both hormonal IUDs have quite similar side effects. When discussing Mirena vs. Kyleena side effects, one has to mention that they rarely lead to ovarian cysts, pelvic infections, cervical cancer, uterine perforation, liver disease, or other unwanted adverse reactions. As well, they do not cause weight gain;
  • The contraindications to the usage of Mirena and Kyleena are also similar. They should not be used by patients who experience inflammatory reactions to levonorgestrel. Instead, they might consider using a non-hormonal Copper IUD;
  • Both IUDs are very effective. Namely, Kyleena and Mirena provide a patient with 99% of effectiveness under normal circumstances. So, unplanned pregnancy occurs in less than 1% of cases while using either Kyleena or Mirena hormonal IUD;
  • Just like Mirena, Kyleena might be used as a method of emergency contraception.

Worth Knowing:
It is a common myth that all the IUDs that use hormones (like Kyleena and Mirena) promote weight gain or hair loss. According to numerous clinical trials, almost no patients with no hormonal abnormalities in their medical history report negative in this regard. Thus, these hormonal IUDs do not normally cause weight gain or hair loss. Vice versa, some patients might even lose weight or experience hair growth while using Kyleena or Mirena.

In What Ways Do Mirena vs. Kyleena Differ?

Still, these IUDs are not absolutely identical. So, let us contrast the Kyleena vs. Mirena size, hormonal dosage, and duration of action to find out in what way they differ.

Mirena vs. Kyleena Size

Despite the false assumption that Kyleena and Mirena have the same size, Kyleena is a little bit smaller than Mirena (still, they both maintain the T-shape to resemble the uterine cavity).

Mirena vs. Kyleena Hormone Dosage

The dosage of levonorgestrel used in Kyleena and Mirena is also not identical. Kyleena employs a slightly lower dose of hormone if compared to Mirena.

Difference #3. Duration of Action

According to the instruction, Kyleena and Mirena might protect a patient from unplanned pregnancy for five years (right after it is removed, a new IUD might be inserted into the uterus to prolong this result). In practice, however, Mirena’s duration of action equals seven years and, therefore, is a bit longer than Kyleena’s.

Worth Knowing:
In some cases, Mirena IUD might be used for ten years. If inserted at the age of 45, it might be used until the age of 55 (unlike Kyleena, that anyway needs to be replaced every five years).

Final Words

Comparing Kyleena and Mirena, it is essential to mention that they both are effective methods of birth control. While having a vast number of similarities (such as their working principles, indications, contraindications, side effects, and so on), they differ in size, hormone dosage, and duration of action. So, it’s only up to you and your healthcare provider to decide what intrauterine device will work best in your individual case.

Worth Knowing:
Both hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs are intended for professional use. Therefore, consult with your healthcare provider before using any of them to minimize the risk of unwanted drug interactions, side effects, and adverse reactions.

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