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In the twenty-first century, people have come up with more and more ways of preventing pregnancy and responsible parenthood planning. Many types of birth control methods are now available, according to one’s preferences, health peculiarities, goals, and other essential points. One of the most popular, effective, and long-lasting options is, of course, an intrauterine device (also known as an IUD).

This product is made into a T-shaped form to stay inside the uterus safely, and it belongs to the most long-lasting birth control products available on the market. The procedure is meant to be performed by a medical professional, and the process usually is not too long, even though sometimes it can be rather uncomfortable.Today’s article is dedicated to the two hormonal birth control brands often confused due to their numerous similarities – Liletta and Mirena. All the essential details are mentioned here, so make sure to read till the end to understand which option would work best for you.

Common IUD Types

As was already briefly mentioned, intrauterine devices are long-acting reversible contraception products, typically T-shaped, and placed in the uterus to ensure effective pregnancy prevention. The two main types of IUDs are hormonal and non-hormonal (or copper), so many factors should be considered with a medical professional to ensure the safest and most efficient option is selected for an individual. Let’s look closely at them:

  • Hormonal IUD. Usually, the hormone progestin is the main component of hormonal IUDs. By thickening cervical mucus and thinning the uterine wall, these products make it harder for sperm to get to the egg. Various brands have different concentrations of the active ingredient, so a doctor should select the right brand after a careful examination (Mirena, Liletta, Skyla, and Kyleena are commonly used ones). Due to progestin, women may experience changes in their menstrual cycle, such as alterations in their heaviness and duration; sometimes, periods may stop altogether, but it’s considered safe and not dangerous at all;
  • Copper IUD. For some people, hormonal devices are not safe, so it’s essential to find a safe alternative to ensure that they can still prevent unwanted pregnancy effectively. The only hormone-free IUD is Paragard, which consists of polyethylene wrapped with copper wire. Paragard IUD triggers an inflammatory response to the copper, slows down sperm, and enables the egg’s ability to implant even if it is fertilized. This brand lasts the longest compared to others – up to 10 years. Because hormones are not present in copper IUDs, they rarely change the menstrual cycle; however, they can impact the heaviness of the bleeding during periods.

Mirena Vs. Liletta. The Description of the Brands

As we now know the difference between the main types of intrauterine devices, we can discuss two popular hormonal IUD brands – Mirena and Liletta. Below, the most important key information about these is mentioned.


Liletta is a plastic, T-shaped birth control system inserted in the uterus to provide long-term efficiency. As with all other hormonal IUDs, it uses a progestin hormone called levonorgestrel (LNG), often used for birth control pills. This product works well for up to six years and can be removed at any time by a medical professional; however, in case you are planning to get pregnant, some time is required for the hormone to wear off and for a woman to be able to get pregnant.


The Mirena brand is one more intrauterine device type, including the hormone levonorgestrel, meant to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It can reduce menstrual bleeding, and some women can not get periods for several months after getting an IUD inserted. Average durability is up to seven years, and it is possible to have it removed whenever the patient needs it. If you are a doctor, purchase Mirena online on BeautyDermal, as we offer our clients the most advantageous prices and qualities.

Uncover the similarities and differences between Liletta and Mirena, two popular intrauterine devices (IUDs), in our comprehensive comparison on BeautyDermal’s blog. Our expert analysis delves into the unique characteristics, benefits, and potential side effects of both IUDs, providing you with valuable insights to make an informed decision about your contraceptive options. Discover the variations in hormone composition, size, duration of effectiveness, and more, empowering you to have a fruitful discussion with your healthcare provider. Stay informed and empowered with our  guide on Liletta vs. Mirena, available now on BeautyDermal’s blog.

Are Liletta and Mirena the Same?

Liletta and Mirena are two forms of long-term birth control placed in the uterus to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They both are intrauterine hormonal systems and have to be inserted in the doctor’s office after a careful examination; if they are not suitable for a person, there are plenty of other options, like pills or condoms.

Please, mind that intrauterine contraception cannot protect you from sexually transmitted infections, so it’s still recommended to use condoms if you have multiple partners and active sexual life.

The main difference between Mirena and Liletta is their durability; while the first lasts up to 7 years, the second works for up to six. Mirena is also widely used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding. So, as you may see, these two brands are very similar, and the differences between them are minimal.

What to Consider Before Getting an IUD?

Several factors must be considered when selecting an IUD. The essential thing is to address these nuances with a doctor before inserting the device:

  • Durability. IUDs may last from 3 to 10 years, so make sure to consider how long would you need the product to stay, whether you are planning to have children any time soon, and select your brand based on this information;
  • Hormone concentration. After an IUD is inserted, it releases the active substance directly into the uterus; however, its amount varies from brand to brand and so should be chosen based on the patient’s health peculiarities. Remember, in case of a history of breast, cervical, uterine, or ovarian cancer, hormonal intrauterine systems are contraindicated, and other options should be considered for the sake of an individual’s safety;
  • An IUD size. Different sizing must be mentioned so the most comfortable product is picked for a woman. For example, smaller options are typically selected for teens and premenopausal patients.

It’s essential to discuss these parameters with a doctor to ensure the most effective and safe option is picked; don’t worry, the chances of complications are low, and so you should be able to go back to normal life rhythm right after the procedure (still, it’s recommended to take a day off to get used to the product and in case of dizziness or weakness).

liletta vs mirena

How Does an IUD Insertion Go?

The process of an IUD insertion is usually fast and non-problematic; however, it may be rather uncomfortable, so be ready for that. First, an OB-GYN specialist asks a few questions about a patient’s medical history and current well-being; the vagina, uterus, and cervix are then checked, and a person is also tested for STDs.

Afterward, taking medicines that may numb the cervix and eliminate unpleasant sensations during the IUD insertion is important. To put the device inside, a speculum is used on one’s vagina; next, a special inserter is used to place an IUD through the cervix into the uterus. The process typically takes 5 to 15 minutes, and a person can return to their routine as soon as it’s over.

The insertion can be conducted during any phase of the menstrual cycle, and it can be done even after giving birth to prevent unwanted pregnancy and regulate menstruation.

Looking for a detailed comparison between Kyleena and Mirena intrauterine devices (IUDs)? Visit BeautyDermal’s blog to explore their informative article on “Kyleena vs. Mirena: What’s the Difference?” Discover the unique features, benefits, and considerations of each IUD, helping you make an informed decision about which one is right for you. Stay updated with the latest insights on women’s health and contraceptive options. BeautyDermal offers a wealth of knowledge to empower you in making the best choices for your reproductive health. Visit their blog today to learn more!

Liletta Vs. Mirena Side Effects

As Mirena and Liletta have the same active substance in the composition, adverse reactions after their insertion is similar. They should be discussed beforehand for the sake of a patient’s safety and fast recovery. So, what are some of the most common side effects you should be aware of?

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle (or periods absence in general);
  • Spotting and bleeding between periods;
  • Pelvic or abdominal pain;
  • Back pain, headache, and migraine;
  • Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, bloating, etc.;
  • Breast tenderness;
  • Weight gain;
  • Acne and skin spots, itching, etc.;
  • Mood swings, depression;
  • Low sex drive;
  • Puffiness in the face;
  • And so on.

Usually, a few days are needed for a body to get used to the device, but some people may need more time to recover. In case any complications occur after the procedure, extreme pain occurs, or any other things bother you, make sure to get in touch with a doctor as soon as possible. This way, any accidents, and unwanted health complications may be avoided.

The Final Word: How Are Mirena and Liletta Different?

Mirena and Liletta are two very similar brands, and that’s why many people confuse them with one another. The main difference is the durability of these IUDs – while Mirena lasts up to 7 years, Liletta works up to six years. To ensure the right option is selected, contact a medical professional and discuss all the nuances to guarantee a safe treatment.

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