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Rejuvenating facial procedures are definitely not something people can be surprised with nowadays. We are used to dermal fillers, Botox, peelings, and other treatments aimed at skin improvement, which have become a part of our usual routine, and we incorporate them into daily rituals like creams and serums. However, today, we want to discuss another exciting product that is slowly gaining popularity in the cosmetic beauty sphere – Intraline for non-surgical facelifts. Specialists claim this option is a perfect alternative to plastic surgery: it’s more affordable, is performed quickly, and only causes local topical irritations that tend to disappear rather quickly.

All the news about the most progressive cosmetic treatments can be found on the BeautyDermal blog. Continue reading and learn all about questions to ask a plastic surgeon for facelift. Let’s start the discussion!

Before We Start: What’s Intraline Facelift Procedure?

Facelift with Intraline threads is a cosmetic procedure meant to be performed by an experienced facial plastic surgeon. Even though it belongs to minimally invasive treatments that don’t require general anesthesia, it’s still relatively complex, so a perfect knowledge of human facial anatomy is required to provide a safe and positive experience in the doctor’s office.

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Intraline threads are meant to deal with different imperfections and aging problems, including the following:

  • Lines and wrinkles reduction on the face and body;
  • Deal with skin sagging and laxity (typically caused by sudden weight loss or natural collagen/elastin reduction);
  • Lift eyebrows and upper eyelids;
  • Tighten the neck, as well as the lower and middle third of the face;
  • Correct facial oval;
  • Sharpen cheekbones;
  • Tighten skin in the arms, inner thighs, and abdomen.

To perform the procedure, special threads must be placed under the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production, which is typical for the body when the brain receives the signal that a wound must be healed. Threads located under the skin are recognized as “wounds,” so this process continues for years while they are present under the skin. The insertion takes an hour at maximum, and patients can return to their daily routine right after the appointment. However, we recommend taking a day or two off, as swelling and redness are the most common side effects for Intraline threads, and people around may ask too many unwanted questions. And, to be honest, who needs that?

Why Do People Consider Facelift as an Option

In case you still doubt which option is better for you – plastic surgery or an Intraline facelift – here are a few reasons people prefer this procedure over more invasive options known in this sphere:

  • It’s easier than any surgical procedure. As thread lifting is minimally invasive, adverse reactions are rare for this type of skin rejuvenation, and the whole process can be finished in an hour;
  • Recovery is speedy. Most patients will need up to a week to reach their perfected looks. The recovery process is quick and non-problematic, while surgeries, on the contrary, require a lot of time for a patient to get back to their routine;
  • The effect is visible a few days after the procedure. If the treatment is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, lines and wrinkles should disappear, the skin should become more elastic, and overall appearance should improve within weeks after the session;
  • The treatment boosts important processes in the body. Hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin are essential in maintaining youthful and glowing skin. That’s why supporting them after their production reduces after the age of 27 is vital. With Intaline threads, sagging skin can be effectively lifted, and all essential processes in the body can be boosted from the inside;
  • A variety of threads is available in the range. That means it’s easier to pick the right option for a patient to provide the desired perfection safely and in the shortest time. Just keep in mind that plastic surgeons have to talk to people before the treatment to select the best Intraline thread variation and ensure this brand is safe for an individual (as always, limitations should be considered here)

facelift procedure

As you may see, Intraline is famous for numerous reasons, and people worldwide choose it as their skin booster every day. After talking to a doctor, a person may start preparing for the procedure. However, a few questions still must be considered beforehand, and we are going to discuss them below.

5 Common Facelift Questions

To provide the highest degree of patient safety, certain questions are mentioned in advance to clear out all the controversial topics and provide people with all the essentials of their future treatment. We will cover the main ones briefly; for more details, we recommend talking to a medical professional who can explain all the nuances of one’s particular case.

#1. Am I the Right Candidate for This Treatment?

Intraline threads facelift is a procedure that should be planned carefully to ensure it’s safe for a patient. A doctor typically checks out a person’s medical history, listens to their aesthetic requests, looks closely at the target area, and only then decides whether cosmetic threads can fulfill all patient’s needs. Realistic expectations are also vital for an individual not to be disappointed. Still, cosmetic threads may be right for you if the main goal is to deal with sagging skin and eliminate prominent aging signs. Consult with a specialist to be sure.

#2. How Often Should I Use Intraline for a Beneficial Effect?

One of the best things about cosmetic threads is that beneficial results are noticeable almost immediately after the procedure. But keep in mind that a specialist must inform his or her patients to schedule follow-up treatments every year to ensure the effect lasts as long as it is physically possible.

#3. How Is the Procedure Performed?

The procedure protocol for Intraline thread lifting demands strict standards and a high level of professionalism from a specialist. Before the insertion, the type of anesthesia is chosen (general or local) based on the target area for the treatment. Then, a doctor uses a special device to place the thread under the skin in previously discussed areas. Afterward, aftercare instructions are given to a patient, as well as the healing process is explained to reduce the chances of adverse reactions and problems during the recovery time.

#4. What Risks and Complications Should I Consider?

It’s a known fact that certain side effects can potentially follow any cosmetic procedure. Knowing them makes the overall experience safer and easier, so keep some things in mind to be able to inform a doctor about complications as soon as any of them are noticed. Local irritations like swelling, redness, and bruising are the most common ones, as cosmetic thread lifting belongs to minimally invasive procedures. Contact a medical professional if painful sensations, inflammations, or suppuration are noticed after the appointment. It’s also better to inform a specialist if local irritations last longer than a few weeks.

#5. Are There Any Important Things About the Recovery I Should Know?

Most people experience non-problematic recovery and can return to their routine and work within the two weeks after the procedure. It’s better to be monitored by a specialist for some time to ensure everything goes well on one’s recovery journey.

The Main Facelift Types

Facelift procedure with threads is a complex treatment, and it includes multiple steps and nuances a patient should be aware of for a safer and more successful experience. Learning more about all available facelift types can help you choose the best option for your needs, understand this medical procedure, and ask all the right questions during the facelift consultation.

Based on the discussion, a specialist may recommend a few facelift surgery options: a traditional facelift, deep plane facelift, or mini facelift (also known as micro). Now, let’s have a closer look at each type to understand all the variants clearly.

  • Traditional facelift. For this procedure, a doctor makes intricate incisions in the hairline region, in front of the ears and right behind them (close to the lower part of the scalp line). Afterward, a thread tightens up sagging skin, making it plumper and younger-looking. The incisions are then closed with sutures, and the worst people typically experience is minimal scarring that fades away over time. After a few days, the stitches can be removed (a person should visit a doctor’s office for that);
  • Deep plane facelift. These surgical procedures are typically selected for sagging midface tissue correction, as well as volume restoration. Its main difference from the traditional facelift is the effect on the midface region, which allows working with the lower face, too (especially the cheek and jowl areas). This one is a perfect alternative to the facial plastic surgery;
  • Mini facelift. This variation is excellent for those who’d like to target early aging signs. The incisions are only made in front of the ears, and general anesthesia is not required here – local numbing is more than enough to provide a comfortable and painless experience. Overall, this treatment doesn’t take longer than ninety minutes, and most patients rarely experience complications or severe discomfort after its performance.

Intraline thread insertion is a safe cosmetic surgery many individuals can find beneficial; understanding all the essentials can not only help select the best treatment option for one’s needs but also create a treatment plan where all the steps and possible nuances will be considered. This one is the best formula for a positive experience.

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To Sum Up: Is Intraline Facelift the Right Option for Me?

As you can see, Intraline is a safe and effective product that is perfect for long-term skin improvement and rejuvenation. Any specialist, whether a European or American board-certified professional, claims this brand works well for patients searching for a safe, long-lasting, and more affordable alternative to facial surgeries. To try this treatment, a person should discuss their needs with a doctor first to understand whether Intraline can fulfill their needs and be a non-problematic variant for the procedure, as several limitations should be considered (just like with any other cosmetic session). We are glad you found this article helpful. Stay tuned and check out the blog later for more informative and exciting posts!

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