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The variety of birth control products on the market is truly overwhelming nowadays, and it may sometimes be the reason for people’s confusion when choosing the right option for responsible family planning. Starting from pills and ending with IUDs – a medical professional can select a perfect variant after a careful examination.

Today’s article is dedicated to two popular brands widely used amongst women – Skyla and Mirena. Hormonal IUDs like these help prevent pregnancy, as well as regulate one’s menstrual cycle. However, due to their similar nature, these devices can be easily confused, especially by people who are not very knowledgeable in this sphere. So, let’s dive into this topic together to ensure there is a clear understanding of all the essential details!

Primary Characteristics of Both Products

Before discussing Mirena and Skyla’s basic features, let’s look closely at their definitions. This way, there will be a clear understanding of both brands’ peculiarities, which is essential to guarantee easy and non-problematic insertion. Not to mention that it’ll make the task of choosing the right brand more manageable. Let’s dive in!

Are you looking for a comparative analysis between Nexplanon and Mirena contraceptives? Visit Beauty Dermal’s blog for valuable insights on “Nexplanon vs. Mirena: A Comparative Analysis.” Discover the similarities and differences, including effectiveness, hormone composition, duration, and potential side effects. Make an informed decision about your birth control method by visiting Nexplanon vs. Mirena: A Comparative Analysis of Two Hormonal Contraceptives. Trust Beauty Dermal for reliable information on skincare and women’s health.


Mirena is an intrauterine device by the Bayer manufacturer; it has a T-shaped form, making it very easy to insert and place comfortably into one’s uterus. The product is not bigger than a palm, so women rarely feel extreme pain and discomfort during this procedure.

The kernel of the device contains its active substance – levonorgestrel hormone, with a concentration of 52mg. It is released gradually into the uterus to prevent pregnancy; sometimes, doctors also recommend it to regulate heavy menstrual bleeding. The hormone thickens cervical mucus, making it hard for sperm to get through it to the egg; it also creates an inhospitable environment for it, so even if something goes through the mucus, it’ll die on the way to the egg. If placed correctly, the product should last around 5-7 years.

Mirena is believed to be one of the most effective variants for responsible family planning. The chances of accidental pregnancies are meager; according to studies, only two patients per year report about it within the first year of using Mirena. As a bonus, if a woman decides she’s ready to have a baby, approximately 3 to 6 months are needed for the levonorgestrel hormone in the Mirena IUD to stop working. If this option is suitable for one’s needs, it’s possible to buy Mirena online at BeautyDermal.


Skyla is another brand created by the Bayer manufacturer; it’s also known under the name of Jaydess. It works with a progestin hormone called levonorgestrel and is often referred to as a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.

As the active substance for Skyla and Mirena is the same, people often ask what the difference is between these two. Well, the main thing that must be considered is the hormone concentration in each device. While Mirena contains 52mg, Skyla has only 13.5mg. Thus, its daily release in the organism is considerably lower. Another factor is the length of each product; Jaydess is shorter, so it’s typically recommended for teenagers and women who have never been pregnant.

The average durability of this IUD is three years; during those menstrual periods, changes may be noticed, including blood flow, frequency, and other characteristics. Mind that IUDs don’t protect from STDs, so it’s crucial to use condoms if you don’t have a regular partner.

To purchase Skyla online, visit the BeautyDermal website and look up the products in stock. After selecting all the items, add them to the basket and confirm the order. Our manager will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss all the further details. 

More About the Insertion Process

The main thing everyone should remember about Skyla and Mirena hormonal IUD is that their insertion is only possible if an experienced medical professional conducts the procedure. They must be professionally trained to be allowed to perform this process.

Before the insertion

After a patient is positioned into the lithotomy position with the help of special stirrups, a doctor carefully inserts a special speculum into the cervix to examine it and cleanse it to prepare it for an IUD placement. Then, the depth of the uterine cavity is measured, as well as its direction is defined. If there are any uterine abnormalities, they should be discovered at this stage.

Due to the size difference between Mirena and Skyla, they are recommended for women with different final measurements: for Mirena – 6-10 cm, Skyla – approximately 6cm (it’s recommended for teens and women who have never given birth). In case Mirena is used for patients with less than 6 cm, it may increase the chances of internal bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, perforation, and other unfortunate complications.

Skyla vs. Mirena

During the insertion

After all the steps mentioned above are completed, the device may be placed in the uterus. It is first inserted into the sterile insertion tube; afterward, the tube with the implant is used to insert it into the previously defined area for an intrauterine device. It’s done with a few swift motions, so this process must have no problems.

The treads attached to an IUD should be cut off to a specific length to ensure they don’t cause unwanted discomfort; these are helpful when it’s time for device removal or replacement.

Mirena vs. Skyla. Basic Characteristics

To understand which brand would work better to prevent unwanted pregnancy, it’s essential to be aware of some basic characteristics of Skyla and Mirena. Even though it may seem like they are the same and it doesn’t matter which one to pick, there are some crucial differences that must be considered before the insertion. This is the only way to guarantee safety and a positive experience for a patient, not to mention the importance it carries for one’s health. So, without further ado, let’s dig into this topic.

Side Effects

Skyla and Mirena are hormonal IUDs with similar working principles, so it’s only natural that these two have a similar list of adverse reactions. Some of the common side effects include the following symptoms:

  • Menstrual patterns change (rarer or frequent menstruation, or no menstruation at all);
  • Vaginal discharge;
  • Abdomen and back pain;
  • Pelvic pain;
  • Increased breast sensitivity;
  • Headaches and migraines;
  • Acne;
  • Mood swings, depression;
  • Weight gain.

Please note that each body reacts individually to the insertion session, so you shouldn’t expect all the symptoms on the list. However, it’s always better to be prepared and understand all the risks before agreeing on the procedure.

Note: Irregular menstrual periods are typical for post-insertion time. Monitor your well-being and inform a medical professional in case you experience severe adverse reactions or discomfort. It’s highly recommended to go through a careful medical examination to reduce the chances of any risks. This step is also important if there are any complaints about the discomfort (there’s the possibility an IUD may be displaced, so a doctor should check whether it’s attached securely, there’s no internal vaginal bleeding, etc.).


Skyla and Mirena for preventing pregnancy have different duration of action. While the first brand guarantees approximately 3 years of effectiveness, the second one may last up to 6 years. They are more effective than traditionally chosen pills and condoms and protect women from unwanted pregnancy in 99% of cases.

Note: If you have multiple sexual partners, we still recommend using condoms, as intra-uterine devices cannot protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Plus, there is still a 1% possibility of getting pregnant even with an IUD inserted, so it’s always better to be safe.


If a person decides to remove an IUD, it can be done quickly in a doctor’s office in a few steps. A doctor gently pulls the device out of the uterus; sometimes, special tools may be needed. If there is any trouble finding an IUD, an ultrasound scan of one’s pelvis may be required. However, these incidents are very rare, so there should be no worries about it.

After a hormonal IUD is removed, women may need some time to get pregnant. With Skyla, it’s possible to conceive within a year after removal; with Mirena – a year and a half. All because the hormone that helps prevent unwanted pregnancy needs some time to be completely worn out of the body.


Mirena, Skyla, and other hormonal IUDs have defined limitations that must be discussed prior to the insertion session to ensure the patient is safe and won’t experience complications after the device is placed in the uterus.

The following limitations must be highlighted:

  • Uterine shape abnormalities;
  • The history of or current pelvic inflammatory disease (PID);
  • Pelvic infection during last three months;
  • Uterine or cervical neoplasia;
  • Suspected or present breast cancer (or other types of progestin-sensitive cancer);
  • Uterine bleeding of unknown nature;
  • Active liver disease;
  • Retained IUD;
  • Pregnancy.

There are still numerous options on the market to prevent unwanted pregnancy, including a copper IUD and pills, so it’s better to discuss available alternatives with a doctor. We are sure it’s possible to select another variant to ensure a person may stop worrying about getting pregnant.

Which One Is Better – Mirena or Skyla?

After analyzing all the basic characteristics, it’s time to sum up the topic and finally answer the question of which IUD is better – Skyla or Mirena. They have many things in common – manufacturer, side effects, working principles, etc., yet some vital features play a crucial role in defining which brand to choose for one’s needs.

However, we cannot tell you which product is better to use to prevent pregnancy, as they are both equally effective and safe. Only certain individual factors may play the final role when selecting the right brand, such as the uterus length, the desirable durability of an IUD, and so on. To pick the most suitable option, a person must undergo a medical examination and checkup in the doctor’s office to ensure this procedure can safely fulfill a patient’s demands.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, when comparing Skyla and Mirena, both intrauterine devices (IUDs) offer highly effective and long-term contraceptive options for women. Skyla, designed with a smaller size and lower hormone dosage, may be more suitable for women who have not given birth or have a smaller uterus. On the other hand, Mirena, with its larger size and higher hormone levels, is often preferred by women who have had children or require more robust menstrual cycle regulation. Ultimately, the choice between Skyla and Mirena should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider, considering individual needs, preferences, and medical history. Regardless of the option, both devices offer safe and reliable birth control methods, empowering women to take control of their reproductive health.

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