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Since the beauty industry started developing rapidly, various manufacturers began to search for a perfect formula to treat fine lines and create in the facial area (and not only that, if being completely honest). That’s why the variety of rejuvenation products out there is so impressive.

Today, we would like to talk about the wildly used botulinum toxin-based injection brand – Dysport. What is it, and how does it work? Why do patients love it so much, and what are all the benefits available to those who decided to use it? Read and enjoy with Beauty Dermal! As always, all detailed answers will be in the article in our blog.

What are Dysport injections, and how can those improve the appearance?


Dysport injections are meant and used in aesthetic medicine to deal with severe facial wrinkles. It is often confused with Botox due to the same manufacturer and active substance in the composition. However, the concentration of botulinum of both products is different; that’s why these products are used for different treatment areas, aesthetic purposes, and clients’ health conditions.

Dysport works perfectly for both aesthetic (rejuvenation) and medical (muscle contractions elimination) fields, and that’s one more reason why so many people worldwide use this brand for solving their problems. Like all products with botulinum, Dysport relaxes nerve endings on the muscles; by doing that, muscle contraction stops, and dynamic wrinkles caused by rich facial expressions stop appearing. Unlike dermal fillers, botulinum products are mainly used to prevent the occurrence of aging signs; more rarely to get rid of already existing ones.

A perfect rejuvenation effect lasts up to 5 months but can always be supported by additional injections in the clinic. A professional specialist will be more than happy to help you with this problem, we are 100% sure.

Target areas for Dysport treatment

The most commonly treated area for Dysport injection is the glabella area (where forehead lines between the eyebrows usually appear). As it was already mentioned, this product is mainly used for fine lines and wrinkles in the area where our emotions are “demonstrated” the most clearly, so know wonder glabella area is the first choice; after all, frowning is a bad habit of many people out there.

Other than those, doctors usually use it in the area of crow’s feet (small wrinkles around the eyes), marionette lines (also known as smile wrinkles), and in the zone around the mouth and near the nose. Sometimes, doctors need to choose other products to achieve a youthful appearance, but it’s just because more severe wrinkles require stronger medicines for proper elimination. However, Dysport still is a favorite of many admirers of aesthetic medicine out there.

Main benefits of the Dysport botulinum toxin product

If you are among those, who wonder what the reason for Dysport’s worldwide success is, now it’s finally time to explain it to you. The sing is, the number of benefits of this product produced by Allergan is truly impressive. So, we decided to tell you about the five most popular ones, which are named by almost every expert in the cosmetic treatment sphere. Without further ado, let’s start!

It deals with the cause of dynamic wrinkles appearance

Of course, we understand that the main reason of wrinkles appearance is the aging process; and no, Dysport cannot magically stop aging. However, it can control one more important factor – facial expressions. Because of those, minor creases and folds appear on the face; as followed, people can forget about youthful, glowing appearance. Well, at least those who don’t choose Dysport cosmetic procedures. With the help of just one treatment, it is possible to relax muscles on the face temporarily and, as a result, smooth out mimic wrinkles and prevent deeper ones.

Dysport doesn’t require downtime

That’s the exact reason why so many people prefer this product to boost appearance. It is very comfortable to go to the clinic, have your injection, and go back to your daily responsibilities and tasks right away. Of course, minimal side effects like injection site reactions and skin sensitivity are still possible. But there’s nothing a person cannot handle. So, if you thought you’d need to take time off work to visit a specialist – stop worrying; Dysport treatment is not plastic surgery; it doesn’t need downtime afterward.

Doctors recommend it for patients of various age categories

With most injectables in aesthetic medicine, there is a recommended age when it’s best to use the product. But Dysport is a unique injection – it can be applied to people starting from their 20s and up to 65 years old. All because the formula which allows not only to eliminate aging signs but also prevent their appearance. In this way, younger looks can be safely preserved without the need to go under a surgeon’s knife. The only thing required is to visit a beautician on time!

This type of treatment may be combined with other aesthetic procedures

Once again, some types of cosmetic procedures cannot be performed simultaneously (we are talking about some injectable fillers, peelings, and other similar treatment sessions). But it doesn’t relate to the Dysport remedy; it works perfectly in combination with some other procedures. For example, if administer it before the dermal filler. After muscle relaxation, a beautician will be able to restore lost facial volume with the help of dermal filler. And, in this way, the effect can also last a little bit longer than usual.

Both product and procedure are 100% safe

Of course, a lot depends on the doctor’s experience and the quality of the product (that’s why we recommend booking a treatment session only in professional clinics). But other than that, side effects and other negative symptoms almost never happen. Maximum patients may experience – injection site reactions such as bruising, swelling, redness, or itching. But those are usually gone in a day. So, in case you are worried about the complications – breathe in, breathe out, relax, and leave everything to the professionals.

Final word

Dysport treatment is a procedure that can safely and quickly boost one’s appearance. It is affordable and effective, which made this product wildly popular among both males and females. That’s why, if you are still afraid of trying it to boost your appearance, think about it one more time. We wouldn’t recommend you anything dangerous. Hope, this article was helpful. Stay safe!

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