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Nexplanon 68mg
$ 299
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Quantity Total discount Price
1 pc. $299.00
3 pcs. 2.34 % $292.00
10 pcs. 4.01 % $287.00
30+ pcs. 5.69 % $282.00

About Nexplanon

Nexplanon is a contraceptive implant that is contained in a disposable applicator. The active substance of the remedy is etonogestrel (68 milligrams). This substance is a synthetic female hormone. The implant consists of a plastic base that is insoluble in the body. For the implant to be visible under X-ray light, it contains a small amount of barium sulfate. Within 24 hours the implant releases the active substance into the body and stops the product after 36 months from the moment of installation, after which it must be replaced.

Where I can buy Nexplanon 68 g online and buy Nexplanon wholesale?

You can buy Nexplanon 68 g online wholesale for reasonable prices at the BeautyDermal online store. The Nexplanon supplier guarantees you only quality products. Save time and money and we, in turn, will offer you the best delivery and service. Our support managers will answer all related questions to help you choose the best and fastest delivery service.

How does Nexplanon implant work?

Nexplanon is inserted under the skin of the hand and has a contraceptive effect. The implant, due to the action of the hormone, interferes with the ovulation process in the uterus. Because ovulation does not occur, changes in the cervical mucus begin and because of this, the sperm cannot fertilize the egg. The implant can be replaced with tablets, but the advantage of Nexplanon is that it does not contain estrogen. If you are planning a pregnancy, a specialist will remove the implant and your performance will return without adverse effects.

What are the disadvantages and side effects of Nexplanon?

The type of your menstrual bleeding may change after inserting the implant. It may intensify for the first 3 months but then return to its natural state. Only a professional doctor can introduce the implant because if the product is placed incorrectly, its effect will not be possible. In case of a mistake, the removal of the implant will be painful and difficult. Consult your doctor before taking the product and rule out allergies, thrombosis, liver problems, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin. Do not use Nexplanon after the expiration date or when the product packaging is damaged. During the action of Nexplanon, acne, headache, weight gain, hair loss, irregular bleeding may occur. The patient also may be depressed with mood swings, nervousness, frequent nausea, and rarely vomiting. Also, blood pressure and oily skin may occur.

How much is Nexplanon implant cost at the Beauty Dermal store?

You can buy Nexplanon online at Beauty Dermal ?nline wholesale and retail. Our supplier offers you favorable Nexplanon price in the market for these products. All goods are of high quality and are delivered to all standards.

Nexplanon 68mg reviews:

Sherry S.

One of the best OB-GYN implants I have ever tried. Still, I prefer Mirena a bit more.

Rogelio Costa

Fast effect and painless administration. Basically, I found everything I’ve been looking for. Thank you.

Hana S.

Good, but a bit expensive.


Delivery was fast, all boxes were safely packed, I’m satisfied with the surface. Thank you!

D. Wallace

Very nice, I have nothing bad to say about it.


Many women prefer Nexplanon because it is effective and comfortable to use. The insertion is easy as well, so painful sensations or general discomfort are almost impossible.
Thanks to Beauty Dermal, I can always expect high-quality products for my clinic, fast delivery on time, and friendly customer support by my side. I am very glad I managed to find these guys a few months ago!

Chris Wilson

This is a great contraceptive for long-term pregnancy prevention that does not cause daily discomfort if inserted correctly. Patients almost do not feel it when inserted, but there is some discomfort during the removal as you have to make a tiny cut on the skin. In any case, it is effective and you can recommend Nexplanon to your patients.


I had 1 implant and I am about to get my 2nd. insertion is relatively easy, some symptoms in the first 5 months of insertion – breast tenderness, and occasional moodiness. My periods are still fairly regular but are very light only 3 days.

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MON – FRI: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM EST.
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